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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Another Walkthrough

Another corporate suit will make his way down the aisles of my store, inspecting the "visual" aspects of our departments. Another walkthrough this way comes.

So of course the store suffers from "Do-Everything-At-Once" syndrome where people run around during the upcoming days like chickens with their heads lopped off. I love how we bust our butts to make the store look perfect for one person for one day and work normally on any other day. 

Why make the store look perfect when you are short-staffed and tight on money? Who knows, maybe they will ask why the store doesn't look perfect and they might actually try and help? 

No, for some reason many people in my company do not use that type of logic. Instead they smile and bend over backwards to create an illusion of smooth sailing. 

I experienced similar situations in other companies where feelings of anxiety rapidly increase, yet I never found myself scared or anxious about these visits. Corporate suits are people in suits and just because your job title is listed higher on the pay scale than mine means nothing to me. As long as I do my job and I do it well then I should be alright, right?

I could of sworn that America was founded on the premise that "All men are equal." I guess that is just a bit of bait used to lure people into the hypocrisy we call democracy. 
The American way is no different from its British motherland, entitlement means everything. American aristocracy is determined by your job title and annual salary; thus, when the aristocratic suit comes to visit we must all bow deeply. It's a good thing he is showing up on my day off.

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