Okay, somebody's grandma and grandpa need to be taught a lesson in Public Affection. Above we have a nice picture of an older couple shopping and I witness these moments often during the day.
One evening I had the most awkward moment. A nice old couple comes to my register to purchase baby clothes. Their arms entwined and they smile nicely to me.
I'm thinking to myself "Wow what a nice couple and they are still together. That's real sweet". That thought flew right out the door when grandpa began rubbing grandma's arm and her eyes twinkled at him. I kid you not, her eyes literally began twinkling in the store lighting.
I interrupt their caresses with, "Would you like a gift receipt?" Grandpa looks at grandma and asks her, "Did you want one babe?"
She looks up at him and shakes her head. Then I get the shock of my life. Grandpa swoops down for some tongue and grandma willingly gives it up.
Now I'm thinking, "Eww...gross. They couldn't wait to get to the car."
So I interrupt again with, "Are you using credit or cash?"
"Oh, we'll use credit." and the lady reaches in her bag for her credit card. Now grandpa decides the kiss wasn't enough and starts groping grandma's ass with his own personal massage. She laughs and I hurl in my mind.
As the lady swipes her card through the machine, grandpa leans over and puts his tongue in her ear. At that point I decided that the mall had more interesting things for me to view.
I hear them giggling and turn to see if she has finished signing. Nope they are embraced together and kissing vigorously to my horror.
"Uhm...I just need you to press complete ma'am." I point out so that they will stop kissing at my register. Grandma turns around presses complete and I pray that the stupid register hurry up with the receipt.
I push the bagged purchases towards the couple and place the receipt in the lady's hand. I thanked them and offered them a good night. Grandpa decides he wants to show me how good a night they are going to have by wrapping his arm around his wife's waist and kissing her in a Gone With The Wind fashion.
I'm asking you out there, did these people go beyond the limits of public affection or what?
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