I planted a fake sympathetic smile on my face, while stating, "Ohh...I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there something I could help you with?" While at the same time I'm wondering why she is shopping in my store if it sucks so bad.
"Yeah. I'd like to get some money off of this item because it's got a hole in it." Okay if it's "got a hole in it," why on earth would you want to buy it? Usually people go to stores to buy new items, and people go to thrift stores to buy used/worn items.
So I reply. "I'm sorry ma'am for your inconvenience, but I don't have any authority to give out discounts. I do have the authority to take this item and send it back to it's manufacturer as damaged."
"Well I want to seem a manager. Get me somebody who does have the power!" I guess she didn't realize that she messed up with the first plop upon the counter.
I call the closest supervisor and give them the secret look.
Secret Look - A look exchanged between two employees that indicates the type of treatment the customer will receive.
I gave the supervisor the look that says this lady was a bitch and you better not give it to her. The supervisor proceeds to explain our policy and apologizes for the inconvenience.
Of course there are times when someone politely inquires about an item discount, whereas I politely offer to do everything in my stores power to fulfill their request. You win a whole lot of love from anybody with sweetness, whereas the "bitch" mode won't get you anywhere. (At least with me :-)
So here's the gist of it. Never underestimate the power of the customer service employee because you probably won't get what you want unless your nice.
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